We are passionate about people encountering God’s supernatural presence and power to transform the individual, the Church, and the world around them, as they create with God.
Our purpose is to equip and activate people to take risk to live in their true God-given identity and fulfill their creative destiny.
We believe that people can only realize and cultivate their unique creative potential within the context of a loving, safe, encouraging community.
About Theresa
“Simply put... I burn for revival. A mighty outpouring on God’s sons and daughters where they learn to create under the power of the Holy Spirit, shattering boxes of religion, fear, rejection, and passivity. Why? Because our culture desperately needs it.”
Theresa leads Supernatural Creative Conferences for churches all over the world, activates creatives in every type of creative expression, speaks at many prophetic, healing, and women’s conferences.
Her passion is to help each person discover their unique creative giftings and then to teach them how to partner with the Holy Spirit in order to activate what’s inside them to transform others and reach out into the marketplace.
To invite Theresa to speak, paint, or activate teams in creative evangelism, check out the link below and book her for retreats, marketplace opportunities, and other engagements.

Upcoming events

Create Academy
Create Academy is more than just a School of Creativity — it is a catalytic, creative community, designed to raise up renaissance revivalists for global reformation.
Our community is for any believer who desires to grow in their creative identity and destiny, whether he wants to become more innovative in business, strategic thinking, teaching, or to grow in fine arts and performing arts.
Create Academy has something for every type of creative expression! We are community of creatives, who are committed to cultivating cutting-edge creative innovations. Create Academy will help you cultivate your creative potential, so that you can utilize your unique creativity to impact the world.
Join our Creative Community and Be Transformed
Learn How You Can Utilize Your Unique Creativity
To Impact The World

Now Introducing
Teen CA live!
What is teen CA live?
At Create Academy, we realized there was something missing - a space where teens can be mentored in their identity and calling - this new generation is flowing with creativity and oftentimes, many teens feel like they don’t have a place yet but feel a burden in their hearts as God is calling many to be young “Davids” and “Esthers”.
At Teen CA Live, there is now a place for teens to be seen, mentored, and positioned where they can express their creativity and talent in a way God sees them in order to change the world! Ages 13-17 are welcome!
Meet your tribe. Strengthen your journey with God through creativity.
When does it start?
The Teen CA Live Program starts on Thursday, September 19th and ends of May 2025. We offer two times on Thursdays either 9 AM PST or 6 PM PST, which is one hour in length for teens this year.
What Are The Benefits?
▫️Unlimited Access to all Courses
▫️Create Academy’s private Facebook pages
▫️Create Academy Live (Weekly Zoom Study with Theresa and small groups)
▫️Weekly creative prophetic ministry with CA leaders
For more info and how to register for Teen CA Live, please visit the page.

Student Testimonials
Create Academy has been an encouraging community that has helped me to discover my own personal creativity and prophetic voice. It has been an uplifting place to encourage others. I now have increased confidence to share my gifts!
— Jim: Leadership Level Student
“In Create Academy, I broke off the defeating mindset that I am NOT enough. Now, I believe that my past doesn’t determine who I am today. I still struggle with overcoming perfectionism.
The more risks that I take, though, the more I am free! ”
— Kellyn: Create Academy Leader
“The persistent encouragement from Theresa Dedmon and the wonderful Create Academy community has helped me overcome discouragement and a sense of futility. I had finally broken the cycle of believing that I would continue to fail if I kept trying”
— Mary: Create Academy Leader
After being with Theresa in Create Academy, my dream now has legs under it, and God is bringing people to stand beside me in MANY different ways. NOW the dream is growing into the space God has created for me to inhabit.
— Templa: Leadership Level Student
Weekly Create Talks
Join us with Creative Influencers from all around the world. Each week Theresa hosts Create Talks on her Facebook page live with different guests to talk about their creative sphere of influence. You’ll also get to learn more about Create Academy and why it has such a significant impact on all our students.

Prophetic Art
Each prophetic painting is created from Heaven’s perspective, and is intended to transport you, and others, into an encounter of God’s supernatural presence and power that brings encouragement, hope, and healing. Displaying this art in your home or office not only reminds you of the prophetic message in the painting, but also can be a catalyst for others to encounter God’s goodness
Theresa’s collections and products are meant to bring beauty and God’s Message into every home and heart.
Along with each print, there is a prophetic poem on the back side.