Invite theresa

Hosting Theresa, in your church, ministry, school, or organization will ignite creative expressions, innovations, and ideas, that will launch people into their Kingdom creative identity and destiny.

We are excited to partner with you in equipping and activating your community to operate in a supernatural creative culture, that also transforms the world.

Watch this VIDEO and read more below about all the wonderful opportunities that can happen in inviting Theresa to come and speak.

recent media

Coachella Outreach 2024

We had an incredible time outreaching at the Coachella event. Click on the video to see people activated and impacted!

Hope Fest Outreach 2024

It’s time for us to partner with what Heaven is saying and how to move with God! People were getting baptized at Hopefest 2024 and there was a radical shift in people as thousands gathered to worship Him.

Now I know how God is using me and how I can continue to make them feel special through creative expressions.
— Laurie (creative conference)

event types

Creative conferences

Supernatural Creative Conferences for churches are designed to equip, empower, and activate creatives who have desires to grow in literally every type of creative expression and sphere.

online zoom

We are offering a modified online Zoom option for those who want Theresa to speak in churches, ministries, or groups to help bring Kingdom culture and Kingdom creative strategies.

Speaking events

Invite Theresa to come speak, paint, or activate teams in creative evangelism for private events. Learn more below about retreats, marketplace opportunities, and other engagements

Interested in Inviting Theresa?

  1. Please start by filling out the REQUEST FORM

  2. we will contact you to discuss your vision and give you the password to the online Speaking Kit.  This will give you access to the conference packet, promo graphics, etc

  3. if you would like to talk further about a possible event or speaking engagement, please email us at  and we will set up an appointment.